
  • Dilshod Ismoilov Jizzax Politexnika Instituti asistenti
  • Raxmonov S, Maxmudov U, Muxtorov U; Muxtorov S; Nazarov A; Qosimova D; Saparov D 812-20 D va PQMT guruhi talabalari


Konusli maydalagich, elektrodvigatel, maydalanadigan material, tog‘ jinslari


Ushbu maqolada yirik o‘lchamdagi tog‘ jinslarini maydalash va beton uchun ishlatiladigan yirik va mayda to‘ldiruvchilarning kerakli bo‘lgan fraksiyalarini xosil qilishda konusli maydalagichning elektrodvigateli quvvatini hisoblash natijalari asosida konusli maydalagichning afzalliklari va kamchiliklari to‘g‘risida xulosa qilinadi.


Tursunov, B. A., Akramov, X. A., & Ismoilov, D. (2022). Producing of the optimal ingredients of multi-component cements and research of the physical-mechanical properties. Open Access Repository, 8(7), 49-53.

Dilshod, I. (2022). PRODUCING OF THE OPTIMAL INGREDIENTS OF MULTI-COMPONENT CEMENTS AND RESEARCH OF THE PHYSICAL-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. European International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Management Studies, 2(11), 90-92.

Ismoilov, D. (2022). CALCULATION OF THE POWER OF THE GRINDER ELECTRIC MOTOR. Science and Innovation, 1(7), 629-633.

Шавқиев, А., & Исмоилов, Д. (2022). БИНО ВА ИНШООТЛАРНИНГ МАҲАЛЛИЙ МАТЕРИАЛЛАР АСОСИДА ҚУРИШДА ГАЗОБЕТОНДАН ФОЙДАЛАНИШНИНГ ЭНЕРГИЯ САМАРАДОРЛИГИ. Science and innovation in the education system, 1(5), 80-87.

Ismoilov, D. (2022). JAG ‘LI MAYDALAGICHNING ELEKTRODVIGATELI QUVVATINI HISOBLASH. Science and innovation, 1(A7), 629-633.

B.A.Tursunov, X.A.Akramov, D.Ismoilov “Producing of the optimal ingredients of multi- component cements and research of the physical-mechanical properties ”. Novateur publications Journalnx-AmultidisciplinaryPeerreviewedjournal issn no: 2581 - 4230 volume 8, issue 7, july-2022.




How to Cite

Ismoilov, D., & Raxmonov S, Maxmudov U, Muxtorov U; Muxtorov S; Nazarov A; Qosimova D; Saparov D. (2022). KONUSLI MAYDALAGICH VA UNING ISHLATILISHI. Journal of Integrated Education and Research, 1(6), 217–221. Retrieved from https://ojs.rmasav.com/index.php/ojs/article/view/679

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